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Tag: Auto Insurance

Maximizing the Performance of Your Electric Car Year-Round

Maximizing the Performance of Your Electric Car Year-Round

When you buy an electric vehicle (EV), you gain benefits – no more trips to the gas station – and some new responsibilities … like keeping that vehicle charged properly so you can predictably reach destinations. The most important element of the EV is the battery pack because it powers everything in the vehicle. While each brand of EV offers recommendations on extending and preserving...

What to Know Before Renting a Car This Summer

What to Know Before Renting a Car This Summer

Summertime offers the opportunity for adventure, exploration, and sharing time with friends and family. Whether planning a cross-country road trip, a weekend getaway to the beach, or exploring a new city, renting a car can enhance your travel experience by providing freedom and flexibility. However, several issues must be considered before you hit the road to ensure you enjoy a smooth, stress-free journey. Assess Your...

Buying a Car from a Private Seller

Buying a Car from a Private Seller

When scouting for a high-quality used car, sometimes a private seller rather than a dealership offers better value. But, while private sellers can offer great deals, there are some important considerations to remember. Let’s look at some tips and advice on buying a car from a private seller safely and confidently. Playing With Price When buying a car from a private seller, pricing is one...

Car Maintenance You May Be Overlooking

Car Maintenance You May Be Overlooking

When it comes to our cars, it’s obvious when some things need our attention. Cracking rubber and a streaky windshield in the rain indicate when wiper blades must be replaced. Spotting worn tread or a flat tire when we check our wheels—which we should do every time we drive—is noticeable enough. Anyone who’s owned a car should know that 3,000 miles is the standard interval for...

Spring Maintenance for Your Home & Car

Spring Maintenance for Your Home & Car

Spring Maintenance for Your Home As spring rolls around, many homeowners should consider revitalizing their homes through post-winter maintenance. Winter can often damage a home, including its exterior, plumbing, and climate control systems. In anticipation of winter, try adding the tips below to your spring maintenance checklist. HVAC Maintenance During warmer seasons, air conditioning is more than just a luxury; it is a home essential....